What is a Suitable Age for a Facelift?

Exploring the Considerations

Dr Turner and our nursing staff often receive enquiries regarding the suitable age for considering a facelift. It is common for individuals to begin noticing facial changes associated with ageing in their thirties, or sometimes even earlier. At this stage, people may wonder about the most suitable options to address these age-related changes. The world of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical techniques, each with its own effectiveness and suitability.

Age alone should not be the sole determining factor when considering a facelift procedure. Facial ageing affects individuals differently, and there is no specific chronological age that universally applies to everyone. To attain optimal results, selecting the most suitable approach according to the individual’s stage of facial ageing is paramount.

Age is Just a Number

Age plays a minimal role in determining the most appropriate treatment plan for addressing signs of facial ageing. Age is merely a number. Some individuals experience facial ageing in the neck and jawline even in their late thirties. This can be attributed to various factors, including genetics, significant weight loss, or excessive sun damage. Conversely, others with favourable genetics and healthy lifestyle habits may observe jowling or wrinkles in their mid to late fifties. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that age alone should not dictate the suitability.

Key Criteria for Facelift Candidacy

1. Health: The age range for facelift candidates spans from the late thirties to the seventies in some cases. While age remains a secondary consideration, there are primary criteria that determine a patient’s suitability for facelift surgery. Firstly, the individual must be in good overall health. Facelift surgery is an elective cosmetic procedure, distinct from medically necessary surgeries. Although patients may have pre-existing medical conditions managed by their primary physicians, an extensive medical history could increase the risks to a level that outweighs the benefits.

2. Visible Signs of Ageing: The second criteria is the presence of excess skin or visible signs of ageing. For instance, if a patient desires a facelift but already exhibits a taut neckline and no apparent jowls, there may be little room for improvement. In such cases, even a specialist plastic surgeon would struggle to produce noticeable results, given the absence of areas to address.

3. Psychological and Emotional Readiness: The third criteria involve the patient’s psychological and emotional readiness for facelift surgery. A facelift targets concerns such as excess skin, neck bands, fine lines, and wrinkles on the face. It is important to keep in mind that a facelift can reduce the appearance of facial ageing not eliminate them. Patients with unrealistic expectations or those considering surgery due to external pressures, such as work or social influences, may not find satisfaction in the outcome of the procedure.


In summary, there is no ideal age for facelift surgery as candidacy is specific to each individual case. The most effective course of action is to consult with a Specialist Plastic Surgeon who performs facelift surgery. By taking the proactive step of seeking information from a qualified specialist, you can gain valuable insights into the most suitable timing and treatment options for your unique situation. Remember, age should not be the sole determining factor in assessing your suitability for a facelift.

During a consultation with Dr Scott Turner, you will undergo a comprehensive assessment to determine your suitability for facelift surgery. This assessment will provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision. If you are deemed unsuitable for facelift surgery, Dr Turner may recommend alternative non-surgical treatment options specific to your needs.