Post-natal Surgery Options

Post-natal surgeries refer to surgical procedures that are performed after having undergone pregnancy/childbirth.

Dr Scott Turner is a Sydney Plastic Cosmetic Surgeon who performs various post-natal surgeries on women who have undergone childbirth and are seeking to make aesthetic changes to their bodies.

UPDATE – The Australian Government has reinstated a Medicare Item Number for an abdominoplasty for some post-natal patients with Diastasis Recti (Split Tummy Muscles) if you are eligible and meet the new criteria. The new Medicare item number is 30175 – effective 1st July 2022.

What are Post-natal Surgery Options?

Post-natal procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, liposuction, and labiaplasty. Dr Turner will work with you to explain the options available to find out what options are available to address changes you would potentially like to make with your body.

Post-natal surgeries can be a good option for any mother who is in good general health and doesn’t plan to have more children.

The best way to familiarise yourself with your options is to meet with Dr Turner. At one of his clinics in Sydney, he offers one-on-one consultations to discuss each possible procedure.

Dr Turner’s Post-Natal Surgery Options

Dr Turner and his team understand the extra support that a mother may need to make time for surgery. Our staff are available to provide help, including arranging special times for consultations and follow-ups.

The range of procedures is best performed once you have finished having children and when previous children are old enough that recovery time is possible.

Recovery time will depend upon the extent of the procedure and the patient’s healing ability. It is recommended to have at least 2-3 weeks off work as you will be in the hospital for the first 2-3 nights. The final results should be visible after about 6 months.

Dr Turner’s post-natal procedures are individualised to meet each patient’s needs. These may include:

  • Breast Surgery
  • Body Surgery, like abdominoplasty and liposuction
  • Labiaplasty

Post-natal Breast Surgeries

Breast Augmentation

After pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is common for a woman to lose some breast volume. With the use of breast implants, the volume and shape of the breast can be changed. At the same time, if the skin of the breast has been stretched and the nipple is in a lower position, a breast lift may be appropriate.

Breast Lift – with or without Implants

If breast changes are more significant following pregnancy, then a breast lift may be recommended. The breast lift performed by Dr Turner addresses excess breast skin. Fat grafting and/or breast augmentation combined with a breast lift surgery can sometimes be opted for depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Breast Reduction

A breast reduction aims to remove the excess breast tissue to reshape and lift the breasts. There are a variety of surgical approaches to this procedure so Dr Turner will work out the most appropriate for your needs.

Post-natal Body Surgeries


Pregnancy can cause many changes to the body. The abdominal muscles and overlying skin are stretched by the growing baby leading to excess skin, often including separation of the underlying abdominal muscles below. With twin pregnancies and multiple births, these changes become more permanent. Common changes include stretch marks, loss of abdominal muscle tone, excess skin, and fatty deposits.

An abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. It can also include tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall to address changes resulting from pregnancy.


If the underlying abdominal muscles are toned and have not separated, and the abdominal skin has been minimally affected by stretch marks, then liposuction alone is the answer. Unfortunately, due to the effects of pregnancy, this is not the case for many women. If necessary, liposuction can be combined with abdominoplasty.


Pregnancy can change the appearance of the labia. During pregnancy, the labia enlarge in response to hormones and increased pelvic pressure of the growing baby. After pregnancy, the labia are left stretched.

Women with enlarged labia can experience physical discomforts such as recurring rashes or pain. A labiaplasty procedure can address these concerns by removing excess tissue from the labia minora or labia majora.

Risk and Complications of Post-natal Surgeries

This group of procedures has the following risks and complications:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Adverse reactions to anaesthesia
  • Wound healing problems
  • Scarring
  • Persistent pain or discomfort
  • Nerve damage
  • Damage to surrounding structures
  • Need for additional surgeries or procedures