Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery Sydney

What is Breast Asymmetry Correction?

Breast asymmetry is a common occurrence as breasts are naturally unique and may exhibit variations in volume and shape. While certain asymmetries can be concealed with padded bras or loose-fitting clothing, there are instances where these methods may not suffice.

It is also common for women to experience asymmetry concerns when they have a condition called tuberous breast deformity or tubular breasts. This condition often affects young women going through puberty and breast development. Tuberous breast deformity is characterised by a narrow or constricted base, enlarged areolas, breast asymmetry, and a high breast crease.

Breast asymmetry correction, also known as tuberous breast correction, requires the skills of a Specialist Plastic Surgeon. This is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at addressing differences in size, shape, or position between the breasts.

Breast Asymmetry Development

During adolescence, young girls may find themselves particularly affected by breast asymmetry. This condition becomes more apparent as the breasts undergo development during puberty. 

Tuberous or tubular breasts are a condition characterised by noticeable differences in breast appearance. This condition encompasses various issues, such as low-positioned breasts, enlarged areolas, breast tissue herniation, and base malformation. While breast shapes and sizes naturally vary, tuberous breasts exhibit distinct features like small, narrow breasts with wide spacing and asymmetry as well as some degree of conical appearance. Additionally, large areolas and downward-pointing nipples are common in this condition.

Features of Tuberous Breasts

  • A narrow or constricted base
  • A gap of 1.5 inches or more between the breasts
  • A high breast crease
  • Enlarged areolas
  • Noticeable breast asymmetry (one is obviously larger than the other)

If you suspect that you might have tuberous breasts, you can have them properly assessed by a qualified plastic surgeon. You should choose a certified plastic surgeon who is familiar with diagnosing and treating tubular breasts and not just any surgeon.

Types of Tuberous Breasts

Dr Turner begins by evaluating the type or grade of tuberous breasts you may have before presenting treatment options tailored to your specific condition.

Tubular breasts are classified into three types based on their severity:

  • Grade I: This is the least severe type. If breasts lack tissue in the lower and middle regions, then it may indicate type I tuberous breasts. This is the most common type, giving breasts a “smaller than average” appearance.
  • Grade II: There is more tissue deficiency in this type than in type I. The entire lower half of the breast is affected. The areola in type II tuberous breasts is usually enlarged, stretched, and pointed downwards.
  • Grade III: This is the most severe type. In this case, the breast growth is constricted in all four quadrants of the breast; the entire breast is severely affected. The areolar tissue is stretched thin and weak. This type may affect breastfeeding ability.

To accurately determine your specific grade, it is essential to consult with a professional. During your visit to our clinics in Sydney or Newcastle, Dr Turner will conduct a thorough examination of your breasts and provide a precise assessment of your grade level.


What is Involved in Corrective Breast Surgery?

Oftentimes, Dr Turner may combine up to three different adaptations of breast surgeries to achieve the desired outcome. These usually include Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, Hybrid Breast Augmentation, and Breast Reduction surgery.

In the majority of cases, Dr Turner will perform a Breast Augmentation procedure for women undergoing Breast Asymmetry Correction, or Tuberous Breast Correction surgery. Not only does the breast implant increase the overall breast volume, but it widens a constricted breast and adds volume to the lower pole of the breast. This surgery can also correct breast ptosis.

For asymmetry-corrective surgeries, the overall objective in most cases is to balance the shape and size of both breasts. However, it is important to remember that the breasts are ‘sisters, not twins.’ Thus, patients should have realistic expectations about their surgery.

Surgical Solutions for Breast Asymmetry or Tuberous Breast Deformity

1. Breast Augmentation

Breast implants can be positioned within the smaller breast to add breast volume and correct breast symmetry. If the patient would like the overall breast to be bigger on both sides, then there is the option of either using different-sized breast implants to create symmetry, or the preferred method is using the same sized breast implant on both sides and performing a breast lift or reduction on the larger side or both.

2. Breast reduction

A breast reduction may be performed only on the larger breast in order to match the smaller breast in shape and volume. However, if the patient desires both breasts to be small overall, a breast reduction can be performed on both sides, with customisation of the amount of breast tissue removal to achieve breast symmetry.

3. Breast lift

In patients with one breast that is slightly larger, often with the nipple/areola lower than the contralateral breast, then a breast lift on one side only can be performed. However, in patients with tuberous breasts, Dr Turner will perform a breast lift combined with a breast implant, plus the addition of fat grafting to change both breast volume and shape (Hybrid Breast Augmentation).

4. Breast Tissue Modification/Reconstruction

In patients who have severe breast asymmetry or tubular breasts, Dr Turner modifies the glandular tissue in the breast to allow the breast implant to expand in an often tight, or constricted breast. This has historically been done by cutting and reshaping the breast tissue, a technique called glandular scoring. 

However, by using the latest fat grafting techniques, Dr Turner can now expand the deficient aspects of the breast tissue by using your body’s own fat tissue and reinjecting it into the breast at the same time as the breast augmentation procedure. If the breast asymmetry is significant, Dr Turner may elect to stage the breast reconstruction by using a breast tissue expander before performing the final breast implant surgery.

5. Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is recommended for patients who want to fix their tuberous breasts without implants. During this procedure, Dr Turner removes excess fat from one region of the body (e.g. hips, belly, thighs, etc.) using liposuction. The fat is then purified and reinjected into the breasts to add volume. The injection of the fat beneath the skin loosens up the constricted tissue.

Staged Procedures

Correction of tuberous breasts is most often carried out within just one procedure. However, it is not uncommon for patients who present with stage II or III tuberous breasts to have a multi-stage procedure, carried out across 9-12 months.

An example of this staged procedure is outlined below, however, please note that breast expanders are only utilised where necessary for stage II and III tuberous breasts.

  • During the first surgery, Dr Turner implants tissue expanders (temporary inflatable implants).
  • The expanders stretch out your chest muscles and skin making room for future implants.
  • They will be kept in place for several weeks or months and will be regularly inflated by Dr Turner.
  • Once your breasts are large enough, you will receive a final corrective surgery, and the expanders will be replaced by definite implants.

In most cases, breast implants alone are not enough, and surgical remodelling (lifting) is performed.

Other Breast Asymmetry Causes

Poland’s Syndrome

Poland’s Syndrome can affect women’s breasts in various ways. The condition often leads to underdevelopment or absence of breast tissue on the affected side of the chest, which results in noticeable asymmetry between the breasts, with the affected side appearing smaller or even completely absent compared to the unaffected breast. 

In some cases, the nipple and areola may also be underdeveloped or positioned differently on the affected breast. They may appear smaller, higher, or lower in relation to the unaffected side.

Rib Cage Abnormalities

Women with rib cage abnormalities present with breast asymmetry. If the ribs are deficient or very prominent, this in turn can affect the size and projection of the breast, such that women with a prominent rib on one side can have a breast that appears much larger, and vice versa.

Breast Hypoplasia

Breast hypoplasia, also known as underdeveloped breasts or hypoplastic breasts, is a condition characterised by insufficient breast tissue growth during puberty and adulthood. It refers to breasts that do not reach the expected size or volume for an individual’s age, body type, or genetic potential.

In cases of breast hypoplasia, the breasts may appear smaller or less rounded compared to what is considered typical or proportional for the person’s body. The condition can affect one or both breasts and may result in noticeable asymmetry.

Breast hypoplasia can occur due to various factors, including hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, certain medical conditions, or prior breast surgeries. It can also be influenced by lifestyle factors such as extreme weight loss, malnutrition, or certain medications.

Risks and Complications of Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery

Like any surgery, breast asymmetry correction surgery has risks and complications, such as:

  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Asymmetry recurrence
  • Bleeding
  • Breast shape or size discrepancies
  • Changes in nipple sensation
  • Dissatisfaction with results
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Implant-related complications
  • Infection
  • Scarring