1. Breast Implant Size
One of the most important aspects for women seeking breast augmentation is choosing the right implant size. Dr Turner can guide you through this often-confusing process helping you choose an implant that best fits your breast to achieve your desired aesthetic goals.
There are a number of tools available that we utilize during the consultation to help you choose the size to give you the breast shape you desire with confidence.
Tissue-Based Planning
Using the latest breast augmentation assessment techniques, Dr Turner will take multiple measurements of your breast, including width, height and skin elasticity as well as point out any asymmetry of your breast and underlying chest wall. This allows you to accurately select the correct breast implant width for your breast and chest wall, as well as the profile or projection of the implant to achieve your desired cleavage or fullness.
Breast Implant Sizing System
After your examinations and photos are taken, we get you to trial what your augmented breast will look like by using the latest Volume Sizing System. It uses a combination of unique sizers that fits over breast, giving a much more accurate estimate of volume than simply trialing breast implants of various shapes in your bra.
2. Breast Implant Shape
Women come in all shapes and sizes and so do their breasts. So, it only makes sense to have different breast implant shapes. When have your consultation with Dr Turner in our Sydney clinic, he will show you both teardrop and round breast implants and make a recommendation on the best options for you.
Round Breast Implants
Round breast implants are the most frequently used implants worldwide and are ideal in women with well-shaped breasts who desire volume and extra fullness in the upper part of their breasts. Often women are concerned that a round breast implant will create an artificial cleavage, however a well-chosen round implant gives a very natural breast shape when placed in a customized dual plane location.
Anatomical Breast Implants
Anatomical or teardrop breast implant are beneficial in women with little natural breast tissue, mild breast ptosis, tuberous breasts anomaly or who want less upper pole fullness in their breast. These implants consist of highly cohesive silicone gel to create a firmer breast with most of the volume towards the base to create a breast that mimics a natural breast shape.
3. Breast Implant Surface
Traditionally breast implant surfaces have been classified as either smooth or textured. However, with advances in breast augmentation surgery over the last decade this approach is overly simplistic. We now classify breast implant surface based the degree of roughness, as the higher the degree of roughness the higher the association with a rare condition called breast implant related Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
Smooth implants have thin shells with low cohesive silicone gel making them softer, allowing a smaller incision than textured implants during breast augmentation surgery which is often appealing. However, as smooth implants move freely within the breast pocket they are only available in a round shape. The lack of stability of smooth implants leads to a higher risk of breast implant malposition and need for a breast implant revision procedure.
While many breast implant companies supply smooth implants, Dr Turner choice for a smooth implant is the next generation Motiva nanotextures breast implants. The advantages of Motiva implants are:
- Capsular Contraction (10yrs) – 1-2%
- Implant Rupture (10yrs) – 1-2%
- ALCL – not reported (limited data as only 10yrs on market)
These low textured or less rough breast implants come in a wide variety of shapes, including both round and anatomical shaped breast implants. Due to the texturing of these implants, they have thicker (multilayered) shells with firmer cohesive silicone gel which enables Dr Turner to shape your breast more consistently with more predictable placement due to the low rates of malposition.
Mentor MemoryGel Siltex breast implants are the most popular microtextured breast implant used worldwide with a 40+ year track record of clinical studies and safety data and is why it is Dr Turners preferred breast implant. The advantages of Mentor implants are:
- Capsular Contraction (10yrs) – 5%
- Implant Rupture (10yrs) – 1-2%
- ALCL – low risk with microtextured implants
Macrotextured breast implants were developed to reduce the risk of capsular contraction, the abnormal scar that forms around a breast implant leading to pain and distorted breast shape. This rougher texture also had the benefit of providing excellent stability with very low rates of malposition and implant rotation for a reliable breast shape.
A unique form of rough textured breast implants – polyurethane breast implants or ‘furry Brazilian’ had very low rates of capsular contraction and malposition. These were smooth implants with a polyurethane coating that is degraded over 5 years, which made the breast feel overly firm and unnatural during this period.
However, these macrotextured or rough breast implants have now been withdrawn from market worldwide due the strong association with BIA-ALCL. While BIA-ALCL is a very rare condition worldwide, over 90% of cases are associated with polyurethane or Biocell (Natrelle) implants which are no longer used in Australia.
4. Breast Implant Substance
While all breast implants are composed of an outer silicone shell, with different surface textures as discussed previously, the inside of a breast implants is either saline (sterile salt water) or silicone gel.
Saline Breast Implants
While saline breast implants were a popular implant used decades ago, they are infrequently used for breast augmentation surgery now in Australia. Saline implants are filled with saline after the implant shell has been placed in the body. The concerns with saline implants are they are not as durable as silicone gel implants and if the shell ruptures the saline will be absorbed by the patient’s body and the breast deflates.
Silicone Breast Implants
Today the majority of breast implants used worldwide are now cohesive – form stable silicone gel implants. The cohesive gel in modern implants is a thick, jelly-like consistency that gives the implant a solid form, so if the implant shell is damaged or ruptures the gel will not ooze or leak.
With the two implants that Dr Turner commonly uses in breast augmentation surgery, they have a variety of difference consistencies to achieve your desired results.
- Mentor Implants: have a 3 types of gel consistency, MemoryGel implants can be very soft (Coh I), medium firmness (Coh II) or more stable, firm gel (Xtra or Anatomical CPG implants).
- Motiva Implants: have 2 types of gel consistency, the Progressive Plus are more stable, firm gel and the Ergonomix have a softer gel that appears more like an anatomical implant while standing up.