Breast Lift (MASTOPLEXY)

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and reshaping the breasts which is often to address age-related changes. This procedure can also address breast changes related to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight fluctuations. It involves removing excess skin, tightening the surrounding tissue, and repositioning the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast.

A breast lift alone focuses on lifting and reshaping the existing breast tissue without changing the size or volume. However, if a patient opts for a lift and an increase in breast size or fullness, combining a breast lift with a breast augmentation or fat grafting may be a more suitable option.

Breast Lift with Implants

A breast lift with implants is a dual procedure that involves a lift and augmentation, medically referred to as an augmentation mastopexy. Breast augmentation involves inserting implants to increase the size, shape, and volume of the breasts. This procedure is separate from a breast lift but can be performed together.

Why Get a Breast Lift?

Getting a breast lift can elevate the breasts, raise the nipple position, reshape the areola, address breast asymmetry, and correct age-related breast descent. However, it’s important to note that a breast lift alone cannot increase breast volume. For patients who opt for a larger cup size or more pronounced cleavage, additional measures are necessary. In such cases, options like breast implants or fat grafting can be considered.

The addition of breast implants or fat grafting compliments the lifted breasts to increase volume to the upper pole of the breast where a deficit is most present. Breast implants also give added shape to the breast.

Dr Turner also performs fat grafting/fat transfer technique, which makes use of your body’s own fat. During this procedure, an adequate amount of fat is harvested from other areas of your body through a procedure called liposuction. The harvested fat is then purified and injected into the breasts to add volume.

Suitable Candidates for a Breast Lift Procedure

The best candidates for breast lift surgery are those who are close to their ideal weight, in good health, and non-smokers. Ideally, if there are plans to lose large amounts of weight, to give birth, or to breastfeed, the surgery will be deferred until after these events have occurred. This also applies if the patient is actively breastfeeding or pregnant.

Please note: Dr Turner does not perform breast lift surgery on current smokers – all patients undergoing breast lift must cease smoking or nicotine intake (including patches/gums) for at least 6 weeks before and 3 months after surgery.

Things to Know Before Getting a Breast Lift

Before deciding on undergoing a breast lift or any cosmetic procedure, it is crucial to educate yourself and carefully consider all available options. One important aspect to contemplate is whether you plan on having more children. If you do or anticipate the possibility in the future, it is generally advisable to delay any cosmetic procedures.

Similarly, if you have weight loss goals, it is recommended to achieve those goals before opting for any surgical procedure. It is essential to bear in mind that your body can still undergo changes even after plastic surgery. Pregnancy or substantial weight loss can potentially diminish the changes achieved through a breast lift.

What sort of Breast Lift Incision will I need?

There are several skin incision patterns available for breast lift surgery. Dr Turner will carefully assess your unique situation and recommend the most appropriate incision pattern. The type of breast lift incision depends on the following factors:

  • The amount of skin that needs to be removed.
  • The distance the nipple needs to be lifted.
  • The amount of breast tissue that needs to be removed.

1. Circumvertical (Lollipop Lift)

Breast Lift and implants Surgery - Lollipop Breast Lift Scar

  • Incision goes around the areola and vertically down the inferior aspect of the breast.
  • This is the most common technique performed by Dr Turner as it gives projection to the breast. Moreover, the scar surrounding the nipple may blend into the areola.

2. Inverted T (Anchor Lift)

Breast Lift and Implants Surgery - Anchor Breast Lift Scar

  • Incision around the nipple-areola complex, vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally along the breast fold.
  • This technique allows the removal of excess skin, reshaping of the breast tissue, and repositioning the nipple-areola complex to a higher position.

While scars are permanent, they undergo a maturation process which makes them less noticeable over time. Dr Turner will advise you on scar treatments. He may also offer complimentary scar treatments post-operatively including laser treatment and skin needling.

Do I need Breast Implants with a Breast Lift?

Breast lift surgery is aimed at lifting and reshaping the breasts. However, it’s important to note that excess skin is typically removed during the procedure, which can result in a smaller bra cup size.

To address volume loss in the upper part of the breast, the addition of a breast implant is recommended. Breast implants add volume to the breasts and increase their size and shape.

During your consultation, Dr Turner will assess your specific needs and goals. Based on these assessments, he will recommend the most suitable approach, which may involve a breast lift with or without the addition of breast implants.

Is a Breast Lift the same as a Breast Reduction?

A breast lift is not the same as a breast reduction. The primary goal of a breast lift is to reshape and tighten the skin around the breast. On the other hand, breast reduction reduces the size of the breast by removing excess fat, skin, and tissue.

Recovering After Breast Lift

When you wake up from surgery in the recovery room, you will have a compression garment. It is important to wear this garment religiously for the first six weeks to aid in wound healing and allow the new breast shape to settle. While at home, you can remove the garment for short periods and shower over the dressings after your first post-operative appointment.

You may experience bruising and swelling after the procedure. This can be addressed by taking the prescribed medications. It is advisable to arrange for someone to fill the prescription, drive you home, and take care of you during the initial days of recovery after your surgery.

After breast lift surgery, it is recommended to gradually return to your normal activities. You may be able to return to work as early as one week after the procedure, and light exercise can typically be resumed at two weeks. By the six-week mark, most activities can be fully resumed depending on your recovery progress.

Within the first week after the surgery, you will have an appointment with Dr Turner to assess the healing of the incisions. Throughout the first year of your recovery, Dr Turner will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, provide guidance on scar management, recommend appropriate garment usage, and advise on the resumption of normal activities.

Please note that post-operative care instructions may vary depending on individual circumstances, and it is essential to follow the specific guidance provided by Dr Turner and his team.

Risks and Complications Associated with Breast Lift

Breast lift has risks and complications, such as:

  • Anaesthesia risks (allergic reactions to the anaesthetic)
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Changes in breast sensation
  • Haematoma (collection of blood around the surgical site)
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Scar formation