Mid-Facelift (RHYTIDECTOMY) Surgery

A mid-facelift is a surgical procedure performed to address some of the earliest signs of facial ageing in the middle third of the face – making changes to the appearance of the skin on and around the cheeks. This procedure involves lifting and repositioning the underlying tissues of the cheeks and midface.

A facelift is usually done to address changes in the skin, wrinkles, deep facial creases, and other signs of ageing present at the level of the face. A full facelift addresses the entire face and the neck, whereas a mini facelift can help address the lower part of the face including the jaw and chin.

On the other hand, a mid-lift addresses signs of ageing in the middle of the face by lifting and repositioning the underlying tissues of the cheeks and midface.

What is a Mid-Facelift?

A mid-facelift, also known as a cheek lift or upper cheek lift, is a cosmetic facelift procedure that specifically targets the signs of ageing in the middle one-third of the face, including the cheeks.

Some of the first signs of facial ageing appear in the middle of the face and cheeks, such as:

  • Volume loss in the cheeks
  • Vertical lip lines and wrinkles
  • Deep nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth
  • Descending eyelid skin

Do I need a Mid-Facelift or a Full Facelift Surgery?

The difference between the types of facelift surgeries depends on the areas of the face that are targeted during the procedure.

The face can be generally divided into three sections:

  • Upper face: The forehead (including the brows, eyes, and hairline).
  • Middle face: The area extending from the corner of the eyes to the corner of the mouth (includes the cheeks, above the upper lip, and lower eyelids).
  • Lower face: Everything below the corner of the mouth (including the chin and the jawline).

While the mid-facelift is designed to address descending skin and wrinkles in the middle of the face, a full facelift covers all three sections.

What areas of the face can be treated with a facelift?

The traditional facelift, or full facelift, targets signs of ageing in the entire face. It addresses excess skin in the area extending between the forehead and the neck.

Alternatively, a mid-lift specifically targets the middle section of the face. It addresses lax skin found between the edge of the mouth and the corner of the eyes, including the areas around the cheeks and upper lip.

What’s the difference between a typical facelift and a mid-face lift?

A typical facelift:

  • Aims to reduce jowling and excess neck skin
  • Aims to reduce skin in the jawline
  • Aims to reduce marionette lines that run from the corner of the mouth down to the chin
  • Tightens the cheeks
  • Lifts the outer brows
  • Aims to reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles

A mid-facelift:

  • Lifts and tightens the skin on the cheeks
  • Lifts the area under the eyes
  • Aims to reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds
  • Aims to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and deep creases in the middle third of the face.
  • Aims to reduce vertical lip lines
  • Doesn’t address the forehead, neck, or jawline

Dr Scott Turner performs traditional facelift procedures for patients with extensive signs of ageing, addressing the jawline and forehead wrinkles. On the other hand, Dr Turner recommends the mid-lift procedure for patients with age-related changes localised in the middle section of their face.

Suitable Candidates For a Mid-facelift

A middle facelift surgery is indicated for patients who want to target age-related skin concerns specifically in the middle of the face rather than the entire face. Suitable candidates for a mid-facelift are looking to address:

  • Volume loss in the cheeks and lower eyelids due to ageing
  • Vertical lip lines around the mouth
  • Deep wrinkles around the nose and mouth

How is a Mid-Facelift Performed?

During a middle facelift surgery, Dr Turner will perform the following:

  • You’ll be given general anaesthesia.
  • Dr Turner will make a small incision above your ear and along your hairline on each side of your face.
  • He will carefully separate your facial skin from the underlying deep facial layers.
  • The fat pads and muscles in your face will be pulled up tightly and secured.
  • After that, Dr Turner will pull the overlying skin layer back over your face, tighten it, and remove any excess lax skin.
  • Finally, Dr Turner will close your incisions using sutures.

A mid-facelift can take between 1-2 hours depending on your skin condition. Although it’s less extensive than a full facelift, a mid-lift requires precision and adequate knowledge of surgical techniques and facial anatomy.

Recovery After Mid-Facelift

Each patient will go through a slightly different recovery period following their middle facelift surgery depending on their age, health, and the amount of correction that was done on their face.

Usually, you’ll need about two weeks to recover from a mid-facelift surgery.

The following recommendations can help you recover properly after a facelift:

  • Take some time off work to allow your face to rest and heal.
  • You should avoid strenuous physical activity for about 4-6 weeks.
  • Avoid suddenly or quickly turning your neck around during your recovery.
  • Commit to the follow-up sessions your surgeon schedules for you after mid-facelift surgery.

Dr Turner will provide you with instructions and recommendations on how to take care of your surgical wounds and your face after the facelift procedure. Make sure to follow these instructions in order to avoid complications.

Risks of Mid-Facelift

A mid-facelift surgery may have some risks, including:

  • Seroma: This refers to fluid build-up under the skin.
  • Haematoma: This occurs when blood builds up under the skin.
  • Infection: Wound infections may occur after the surgery if the incisions are not properly cleaned.
  • Facial nerve damage: This is a very rare complication and happens due to injury or compression of the facial nerves during the surgery.

What is the Difference Between a Mid-Facelift and a Mini Facelift?

Dr Turner performs the facelift procedure based on each patient’s specific condition. Both the mid and mini facelifts are localised to a specific part of the face.

A mid-facelift is designed to treat the area of the face where the signs of ageing become visible first: the middle portion of the face. The mid-lift procedure targets the cheeks and tissue surrounding them, including beneath the eyes and around the mouth.

A mini facelift treats skin localised in the lower portion of the face. This procedure tightens the skin and underlying tissues around the chin, neck, and jaw.