Revision Rhinoplasty

Understanding Revision Rhinoplasty

Secondary rhinoplasty, often referred to as revision rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to correct the results of a previous rhinoplasty. Patients may seek secondary rhinoplasty for various reasons, including dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome, functional issues with breathing, or complications from the initial surgery.

The Purpose of Revision Rhinoplasty

The primary goal of secondary rhinoplasty is to address issues from a previous rhinoplasty, whether they are related to the appearance or function of the nose. It can involve reshaping the nasal tip, straightening the nasal bridge, or correcting any other issues resulting from the previous surgery.

Complexity of Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is generally considered more challenging than primary rhinoplasty because Dr Turner has to address altered nasal anatomy and tissue scarring from the previous surgery.

When considering revision rhinoplasty, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or an ENT specialist who regularly performs nasal surgery.

Why Choose Revision Rhinoplasty?

In some instances, the outcome of rhinoplasty is unsatisfactory as a result of technical errors, healing problems, or injuries after the first operation. Even a small correction requires a formal open rhinoplasty technique that is more complex to perform than the original surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty requires experience and dedication from your surgeon, as well as an understanding of the type of changes that the first operation would have created. Revision rhinoplasty often involves the use of grafts, commonly cartilage from inside the nose but also from other areas including the rib and ear.

Suitable Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty

Suitable candidates for revision rhinoplasty are looking to address the outcomes of the initial rhinoplasty. Revision surgery is typically undertaken to address both aesthetic and functional concerns related to the nose.

It’s essential to maintain realistic expectations before proceeding with a revision procedure as it can be more complex compared to initial rhinoplasty. Given these considerations, Dr Turner will carefully assess any patient whom he deems suitable, however, if you have previously had rhinoplasty surgery with a different surgeon, it is often best to see the same surgeon for your revision as they know your operative history.

Risks & Complications Associated with Revision Rhinoplasty
Like any surgical procedure, revision rhinoplasty is also associated with risks and complications, such as:

  • Altered sensation
  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Bleeding
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cartilage or bone complications
  • Infection
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Need for additional surgeries
  • Scarring
  • Unsatisfactory results