Septoplasty Sydney NSW

A septoplasty procedure may help address nose conditions like restricted breathing, sinus infections, nosebleeds, headaches, and issues with snoring. Dr Scott Turner performs septoplasty and septorhinoplasty procedures in hospitals in Newcastle and Sydney NSW. By reshaping the septum, he can help address cosmetic and health concerns related to the nasal structures.

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the septum to address breathing problems caused by a deviated septum (misaligned septum). The septum is the natural barrier or divide between the two nasal canals.

About the Septoplasty Surgery

During the septoplasty procedure, your surgeon will perform several steps:

  • An anaesthetist will administer the anaesthetic.
  • An incision will be made on the inside of the nostril towards the septum.
  • Excess bone and cartilage tissue will be carefully excised to remove the blockage of the airway.
  • Self-dissolving sutures will be carefully placed to keep the newly shaped septum in place.
  • You may be discharged home on the same day or you may need to stay overnight depending on the extent of the surgery.

Recovery After Septum Surgery

The swelling usually decreases within a week. It may take up to two or even three months for the cartilage to fully heal. During this time, you should avoid any trauma to your nose. Depending on your condition and the recommendation of your surgeon, you may return to work and daily activities a few days after the procedure.

Long-Term Septoplasty Results

As a surgical procedure, septoplasty can address problems with breathing and blocked airways. To maximise the results of septoplasty, especially if you have it at a younger age, you should avoid blowing your nose for a few months after the procedure. You should also avoid any trauma to the nose or the face as they may cause immediate injury and compromise long-term septoplasty results.

Suitable Candidates for Septoplasty

Suitable candidates for the procedure are looking to address the following symptoms or conditions that are caused by a deviated septum:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Congested nose or sinuses
  • Occasional bleeding from the nostrils
  • Headaches

In addition, suitable candidates must also be in good overall health with no bleeding or clotting disorders. Moreover, they must be non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure. They must also have realistic expectations regarding the procedure.

Consult with Dr Turner in his Newcastle and Sydney NSW clinics so he can assess your case and offer a customised solution for your nasal condition.

Risk & Complications of Septoplasty

Septoplasty is a major surgery, and like any other major surgery, it has risks and complications, such as:

  • Abnormal scarring
  • Allergies or reactions to medications, sutures, or topical treatments
  • Bleeding or haematoma
  • Chronic pain and numbness
  • Delayed healing
  • Loss of structural support and collapse of the nasal airways during breathing
  • Nasal breathing alterations
  • Prolonged visible swelling that may last for weeks and sometimes months
  • Reddening of the nasal skin
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Revision surgery
  • Wound infection